2019 would not go quietly into the night! On the very last day of the year (as well as the decade) surfers received a combo swell chock full of East, with subtle South to back it up.
The resulting surf wasn’t huge in most locations. However, a few areas received some overhead tube opportunities. For me, I checked my favorite shorebreak spot at 8am. Not only was this particular wave showing symptoms of morning sickness–it was the most crowded I’d ever seent it… Instead I chose to wait out the late-morning high tide.
Meanwhile, my friends were getting ins and outs at a spot in the opposite direction. I had made the wrong call and by the time I got to said location, Mikey Detemple snagged a perfect one–only to get out and say the drop in tide was killing the right-hand sandbank (see sequence below).

I opted for some fun waves down the beach–surfing until everything was sore. All in all, NJ received a very fun swell to close out the decade. Not many better ways to end a fun year. Cheers to 2020.