For some reason, the photo galleries that get the most clicks on this website are 35mm film dumps. Not surfing galleries… Not pictures of some of the best waves NJ and the East Coast has to offer… Just dumb photos of people drinking beer and making weird faces at a mishandled Canon. I think it’s great.

Even people that don’t shoot film seem to be drawn to it. Photographers and others who stumble through the process of shooting film have had moments where they question… “Why even shoot this shit. It’s expensive and about half the shots are decent.”
Shooting film sucks so bad sometimes that people will walk away from it–sometimes entirely and other times for some months. However, it’s so rewarding when the lighting, the setting, the people, and the events come together for an awesome film photo.

And if you’re a surfer, all the things I just said about the process of shooting film might feel a lot like chasing waves… Sometimes it’s fucking miserable. Like when you get axed on a wave, break your foot, sprain your ankle, and miss the swell of the Spring.
Nevertheless, we always come back to revisit these trying activities. Having said all of that, the gallery below is no masterpiece. It’s the combination of two different film cameras, a bunch of months, and many mistakes. But if I was a wagering man, I’d bet this gallery will hit home for our friends and those like us. Enjoy…
35mm “Dump” Gallery