On February 2020’s first Friday, NJ experienced a large South swell that had been forecasted something like 7 ft. @ 11 secs. It’s hard to say if the resulting surf matched that prediction; however, the day’s session turned out to be one that will be remembered.
Some of the most hi-octane and longest righthand tube rides of our current Winter season went down just last weekend. Spinning tubes at a recently fucked-with sandbank brought the crowds together for a special afternoon and evening. The waves were non stop and many had the potential to drain for 100 yards.
Yes, it was crowded. Notable local pros like Mike Gleason, Sam Hammer, and Pat Schmidt went off. There wasn’t any parking–cars from all over NJ, NY, and PA littered the streets. Somehow even young Californian, Tosh Tudor made it to the sesh. But, the amount of opportunities present to get barreled and long, drifty surf zone evened out the crowd factor. In the end, one of the best barrel sequences went to an unknown (reach out if you know him).
Everyone present was throwing their names into the hat to snag what they hoped would turn into the longest tube of their life. While many got spit the fuck out, many would also fall to the carnage.
I heard in the water that Austin Chachko had taken a fin up the ass. But, it was more like a really bad puncture to the cheek itself. He paddled out shortly after and snagged one of those 100-yard drainers…

Then after the session, Instagram revealed that Andrew Gesler had taken a board to the nose–splitting his nose nearly in half. Carnage it was.
We were lucky enough to get some sick photos from Mike Incitti after he shot the swell event… Thanks Mike.
While there are many, many insane images floating around on the Interwebs, we’ve gathered some of what my bro, Sean Gallagher took while on the beach and posted them below for your viewing pleasure.
Enjoy the photo gallery below…