Our friend Billy moved to San Diego and became a complete hippy. He started riding weird boards (not thrusters) and fell for shooting film. Well, at least he has a job, and he doesn’t frequent the Dog Beach Soup Kitchen. Either way, here’s his take on photography after his first couple rolls… “Shooting film […]
When you don’t shoot film for a little while somethings just run together. In this case, Ryan shot a roll from California that made it all the way back to the East Coast. Here you may find photos that are of (but not limited to) Californian reef breaks, beachy wedges, beer drinking, debauchery, Jersey skating/slamming, […]
As Summer fades, depression sets in. Some people stay, but most people go. Groups are split, and focuses shift. The busy man may be able to avoid depression regarding Summer’s End, or at least let a tight schedule soften it. This man casts depression aside, and instead begins something new as to beat depression. Others have […]
This is a collection of black and white film shots from August of Summer 2017. It was hot, there weren’t any waves (yet), and we needed to skate in order to sweat out the prior night’s toxins. There are a couple good shots amongst some bad skating. Hopefully you enjoy…
In between drinking, surfing and just loving life we still do stop to take a few photos. This is unedited, untouched, and unfiltered June in NJ. Enjoy…
Shooting film always takes on a different feel. In this pursuit there is no such thing as instant gratification… Something our generation has become so accustom to. On top of this, there is no guarantee you’ll ever see these images. Film could be lost, over or underexposed–in this lies the true beauty of the art. […]