Watching Mason Ho surf is bound to just make you smile. In his most recent video, we see Mason testing new fins in a variety of conditions.
“They look like they’d be fast,” said Mason–tapping and caressing the fins.
The rest of his video is just pure surfing paired with his mom’s Hendrix collection. Mason, Cheeseburger (who I’m so glad to see again in Mason’s edits), Michael Ho, and Cocoa rip some appetizing North Shore nuggets. And of course, Mason does some psycho shit that lands him on dry reef. No excess talking like other surfers’ vlogs that leave you cringing. All in all another successful edit that leaves Mason’s vlog in a category all its own.
For these reasons, we’d love to interview Mason for a Rambler Mag article. Not sure how he connects to East Coast’s surfing culture other than the fact that he keeps us coming back–we don’t care we just wanna talk to him. Until that happens, we’ll be looping Ho & Pringle Youtube channel.