There’s no question these kids can shred. Even more obvious are the talents of Goldberg behind the lens and in the editing room. So, why haven’t we seen this before? To answer that question: If you surf in NJ, you probably have.
Yet otherwise, the talents of these young men largely remain mystery to the greater surfing realm. There once existed a similar project called “The Hole Patrol,” but it has since been removed from the internet to make way for an unnassociated, dark meme account. But, I digress…
Watching Parenty and Francisco shred was just what the doctor ordered. At 7 minutes long, the edit begins with a personal favorite by Portugal. The Man. While many might expect time spent filming to cover technical maneuvers above the lip (there’s plenty of that), viewers are shown deep, spitting tubes right off the jump. This reflects the amazing beginning of Winter that NJ surfers experienced. Parenty slides in backside while Paul stands tall–both getting absolutely drained.
It isn’t until the end when the viewer finally gets a glimpse of Krenkel and with that watchers can exit their screen happy. Job well done boys–looking forward to Part II.