Back to back: NJ and the greater East Coast surf community got some sizable surf as the Winter Solstice date grew closer.
It started on the 1st of December with a large two-day South swell event. It got big and scary with some offshore-ish conditions that made everyone assume it would be an easy surf. This was not the case. However, great surfers made some tough waves look perfect (case in point NJ’s Rob Kelly).

Dec 1st & 2nd offered classic South swell conditions in NJ as well as for the surrounding Mid Atlantic and Northeast surf zones.

Just a few days later, surfers were back in the saddle as a NE and S swell combined creating some gloriously chilly teepees.

It was a pick your peak and tube hunt sort of day–Saturday in the pool.

Enjoy the rest of the photo gallery below. Let’s hope this is a sign of things to come for the upcoming Winter season.