When you don’t shoot film for a little while somethings just run together. In this case, Ryan shot a roll from California that made it all the way back to the East Coast. Here you may find photos that are of (but not limited to) Californian reef breaks, beachy wedges, beer drinking, debauchery, Jersey skating/slamming, […]
Pouring PBR, as galavanting ghouls shout hysterics in the night. Smirking teenagers take aim, and soon toilet paper pirouettes as rolls are released. Kooks cackle and abdomens ache. Suddenly, all is silent. A single distinguished drop douses the dirt. A drop of… Blood? Wenches wail! No, it could not be. Drip. Drop. Dripp. Dropp. Drippp… Drunk? […]
Waves have been non-frickin’-stop. Jersey surfers are finally getting a little taste of what it means to live in a place that actually gets consistent swell… for now. These photos represent what South Jersey got from the first traces of Hurricane Jose. All reports say that Trump will allow Jose across the border, and the boys have […]
As Summer fades, depression sets in. Some people stay, but most people go. Groups are split, and focuses shift. The busy man may be able to avoid depression regarding Summer’s End, or at least let a tight schedule soften it. This man casts depression aside, and instead begins something new as to beat depression. Others have […]
Our good friend, Ryan Simalchik has not stopped filming, and when he does, word has it he’s in the editing bay. Simalchik and NJ native, Rob Kelly have been known to link up and pin down some cool clips. This new edit is no different, give er a check…
Member Stella? Oh… I don’t actually member. I was in fucking Puerto Rico being a huge pussy–drinking 10 ounce gold and surfing chin-high Domes. The hardened dudes that were still in Jersey were delivered double-overhead perfection, also known as Winter Storm Stella. I was brought back to Stella after getting drunk with our friend Ryan […]
Yesterday was sick. There are not many days of waves in NJ summers, let alone any at all with overhead tubes, so one might call yesterday “legendary”. Yes, we’ve seen, ridden and ripped bigger waves, but I thought south swell season was over! Right handers stacked in and bended out to sea and the swell […]
After a 25-year absence, Saturday May 6th, 2017 ushered in the new NJ Surfing Championships. The event began Saturday and ran for two days of pumping NJ surf. 16 renowned NJ surfers entered the Professional Division and one Zach Humphrey’s was declared NJ’s surfing champion. Pro Open Zach Humphreys Sam Hammer Rob Kelly […]